Blog | Mindfulness, Meditation, Journaling & Walking in Nature
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Writings and Readings Blog

Madhu Bazaz Wangu

V. Dublado Gives 5 Stars to The Other Shore

Reviewed By Vincent Dublado for Readers’ Favorite Twenty stories are told under six different themes that fuse art, spirituality, and existential angst. Madhu Bazaz Wangu, by her own account, reveals that she has written The Other Shore: Ordinary People Grappling with Extraordinary Challenges because she wants you, as the reader, to grow intellectually and be emotionally touched by her tales. Her stories bridge inner and outer realities: the reality of what we say and what we think and feel. The women in this book are remarkably spirited and the men exist to find out more about themselves. The Other Shore tells the story of Mohini and how the seasons she spent with her grandparents have filled her heart with their love. In Dowry Brides, a feature story about a dowry demand...

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New Five-Star Review for The Other Shore

Reviewed By Jose Cornelio for Readers’ Favorite The Other Shore: Ordinary People Grappling with Extraordinary Challenges by Madhu Bazaz Wangu is a collection of short stories with an appeal to readers with different tastes — Magical Realism, Women’s Fiction, Multi-cultural, Romance, and Inspirational. Told in varying and gripping voices, the stories feature interesting characters in different situations as they navigate through real-life situations, grappling with realities of death, love, protecting nature, making a difference, being human, and more. While we might not have the space to go through each of the stories in this review, there are characters that will capture the attention of readers like ten-year-old Mohini who has a strong relationship with her grandparents. This relationship leads her to appreciate the cycle of life and to learn lessons that follow...

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READERS' FAVORITE FINALIST: THE OTHER SHORE ANOTHER FIVE STAR REVIEW Reviewed By Vincent Dublado for Readers’ Favorite Twenty stories are told under six different themes that fuse art, spirituality, and existential angst. Madhu Bazaz Wangu, by her own account, reveals that she has written The Other Shore: Ordinary People Grappling with Extraordinary Challenges because she wants you, as the reader, to grow intellectually and be emotionally touched by her tales. Her stories bridge inner and outer realities: the reality of what we say and what we think and feel. The women in this book are remarkably spirited and the men exist to find out more about themselves. The Other Shore tells the story of Mohini and how the seasons she spent with her grandparents have filled her heart with their love. In...

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The Other Shore

Book Launch Today!

THE OTHER SHORE Today we are gathering at to launch, The Other Shore, my second collection of stories. Readers, writers, friends and family are gathering to pay their good wishes. I will post short videos throughout the day. I’d love it if you too would write a few words of blessings for its success!  Thank you very much!  ...

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The Last Suttee: Required Reading

I’m honored and thrilled to post that Dr. Leslie Jaffe (College Physician and Instructor, Smith College) has made my novel, The Last Suttee a required reading for his summer course, Global Young Women’s Health. Here is an excerpt from his email to me: “The Last Suttee works for my course on several levels.  It's an engaging adventure story well told. It touches on the cultural obstacles facing girls in India. And the girls will relate to Kumud the heroine who shows how one person can be an agent of change. The intent of my course is to empower young women by helping them increase the knowledge about their bodies, the challenges women face in other cultures and the possibility of making a difference in their lives and lives of others. I will discuss the readings...

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The Other Shore: Print Copy

What unites all of the stories is their ability to guide us on the greatest journey of all—the journey inward. The Other Shore is a potent reminder of the power of fiction to restore and transform. (Meredith Mileti, author of Aftertaste: A Novel in Five Courses)...

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The Other Shore

New Book: Cover Reveal

Cover Reveal I'm thrilled to share the cover of THE OTHER SHORE: Ordinary People Grappling with Extraordinary Challenges! With each new book the excitement of sharing its cover with you all never loses its glimmer. The twenty stories in THE OTHER SHORE and the people inhabiting them have lived in my mind since my novel The Last Suttee left home to be on its own. Which means the characters in this collection have been living with me for four years. On June 8 they too will leave their home enveloped in this gorgeous cover (design by Jenny Quinlan) to entertain you with the adventures wrapped within. I hope you fall in love with the characters and the settings as much as I enjoyed creating them.  ...

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