Peak Moments of Awe & Delight
Dear Friends,Deepak Chopra defines peak moments of self-realization as having six characteristics. To illustrate each character, below I’ve quoted from my won experiences at various National Parks in the United States that are included in the book, Unblock Your Creative Flow: 12 Months of Mindfulness for Writers and Artists. Most of these are excerpted from the chapters, “Mindfulness and Travel” and “Mindfulness, Stillness, Silence and Solitude.” • Loss of ego: “Rapture envelops me.”• Time slowing: “People seem to be cheering in slow motion.”• The inability to hear: “I can’t hear a thing.”• The feeling of being one with all that exists: “I am one with all that exists, a living cell in the body of the universe.”• A heightened sensory perception: “Everything looks radiant. Surroundings turn luminous.”• Connecting with the inner...
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