From Mindful Path to Mindful Writers Groups
From Mindful Path to Mindful Writers Groups (Cont.)
One of ways in which invisible realities that our eyes can’t see, ears can’t hear and mind can’t comprehend are made visible, audible and comprehensive by creativity and imagination. I believe creativity is rooted in spirituality. Like creation of life, artworks seemingly conjure from nowhere and nothing. I am the one who writes or paints but the process itself is guided by an inner source from which new ideas bubble forth. At the same time, the universe assists by sending cues and clues. Once birthed, an artwork has a life of its own.
To be able to create one must be completely devoted and dedicated to one’s art whatever it may be. As an author I have a morning routine that I have diligently followed for years. Unless something unforeseen happens I will continue to practice it as long as I live.
The practice begins with my sitting in silence and solitude, followed by pouring my heart out in a notebook, then a short but deep reading. After this morning practice, I breakfast with my husband. For the next several hours I write and he does his artwork. Sometime during early evening we workout at home or go for a walk. Then I may cook or read. After dinner we watch television.
I have been practicing this way for about thirty years. This routine has benefitted my writing as well as my personal life with leaps and bounds. Having felt its power to transform each one of us for better I wished to share it with other creative minds. And Mindful Writers Group was born in 2011.
To be continued.
Unblock Your Creative Flow is available at:
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