Madhu Bazaz Wangu | Author | Mindful Writing Meditation
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Madhu Bazaz Wangu

Writing Meditation Practice

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Madhu Wangu

The founder of Mindful Writers Groups and Retreats, Dr. Madhu Bazaz Wangu has won awards from Writer’s Digest, Feather Quill, Readers Favorite, Next Generation Indie Book, Indie Excellence, and TAZ Awards. She inspires novice as well as advanced creative people to become better writers and creators, and authentic human beings by following the practice of Writing Meditation.

Madhu shares time-honored practices using personal anecdotes to teach Writing Meditation Practice (WMP). The practice is not only entertaining but also life transforming. Introduced to writers in 2011, it provides daily skills, tools and rituals for making yourself the better versions of you.

Madhu has written about her own struggle, trials and tribulations as well as pleasurable experiences that have come her way and taught her what it means to feel awe, wonder and afterglow of creative flow.  Currently she is writing her eleventh book, the fifth fiction, tentatively titled, Meaning of My Life.

Dr. Wangu is a regular workshop presenter at writing conferences. She was the Featured Author at Beaver County Book Fest in 2017, Inaugural Guest at International Indo-American Literary Festival, 2020. That year she won Pennwriters Meritorious Award. In May 2023 she was the Lunch Keynote Speaker at Pennwriters Annual Conference.

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Online Mindful Writers Group

  • Thursday, 16 January, 2025

    It feels so good to empty all that anguish in your trustworthy friend, you journal. This writing exercise has two advantages. One, it lightens your heart and clears your mind. Two, when you reread it after one year or five, it feels different. You notice how it has lost its power over you. It turns into ash yet saves some energetic embers of ideas for you to use. What you pour on the blank pages of your journal can be compared with autumn leaves. The mountain of dried leaves of your mental trash is all biodegradable. It decomposes into mulch with a few seeds which sprout later. It often happens, that upon rereading your journal you gain greater insight into the things that had happened the previous year or many......

  • Tuesday, January 14, 2025

    The eminent social psychologist, James Pennebaker in his book, Opening Up by Writing Down, writes that not fully expressing negative emotions, suffering in silence and keeping secrets—swallowing or pushing them down—affects your heart, mind and body for the rest of your life. By hiding your fears, anger, and hurt from the world, you hide from yourself. In order to replace the mask of social “goodness” and “niceness” with authenticity you must first recognize the anger, hurt or fear buried deep inside you. The recognition must be followed by acceptance of the negative emotions. Some of us may require therapy or hypnosis to cleanse the system but most of us can do this by writing in various forms. If you like, write a letter to the one who emotionally hurt you or......

  • Thursday, January 9, 2025

    The way we observe physical hygiene for cleanliness, we must cultivate emotional hygiene for mental clarity. What practices do you follow to cleanse your mind? Journaling is one. It clears your mind of the mess that is created every day. Writing it down lends an ear when you need it but can’t share what you have to say with others. It reveals possible solutions to your problems and heals emotional wounds. So if there is a problem on your mind or something is hurting or knotting your belly, why not jot it down on as many pages as it takes? Your honest outpouring in words carries an energy, it has power. Dump all that down and, depending upon the problem, watch how you come up with doable intentions and make......

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You are what your deep, driving desire is. As your desire is, so is your will. As your will is, so is your deed, as your deed is, so is your destiny.
—Bhrihadaranyaka Upanishad IV.4.5