Pure Awareness | Madhu Bazaz Wangu Self-Awareness and Love
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On A Mindful Path (Cont.)

On A Mindful Path (Cont.)

On A Mindful Path (Cont.)

Not until I was in my mid 50’s did I felt a need to ask myself, is this all there is? The question had taken a permanent seat at the back of my mind since my voyage around the world. The things that had excited me once no longer did. 

With the practice of Writing Meditation, the braided practice of journaling, meditation, deep reading, nonverbal activities and, of course writing, I was on my way to integrating my fragmented self. In time, the practice helped me connect to the spiritual space within, my inner guide, my true Self. 

Many of you already know that our true self is the inner compass that dwells within us. It points us toward the right direction only after we harness with it and pay attention. But in order to do so we must practice diligently. In the volume, Unblock Your Creative Flow: 12 Months of Mindfulness for Writers and Artists I lead a day-to-day routine that makes it possible for you to make a link with the inner guide which I refer to as Authentic Self. 

Looking back, the first step on my path to integration was to accept that my body, heart and mind were fragmented. At first, accepting this fact made things feel messier than they were. The things that were hidden from me up until then surfaced and became visible. My carefree self had given me the impression that I was at my best. Self-awareness disagreed. Sitting still in silence and solitude (meditation) and journaling taught me to be aware within and without. 

Self-awareness led me to experience consciousness. When one experiences consciousness which is pure self-awareness your body, heart, mind and spirit are one. You mind is tranquil, you heart is full and you feel part of everyone and everything. 
Being one with the spirit is a momentary experience but it transforms you. You begin to watch your thoughts, actions and words. With practice such attitude feels as real as your senses and the mind do. Not only you see, hear, smell, taste, touch and think the things around you but you are also aware of your potential for good and invisible inner realities. 

To be continued.
Unblock Your Creative Flow is available at:
Barnes and Noble: https://tinyurl.com/mr24djxy
Rakuten Kobo: https://tinyurl.com/2p8yt732
Smashwords: https://tinyurl.com/2p8aj9td

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