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SIMPLY WRITE!   Simply write! Do not speak of writing. Do not speak of publishing. Do not speak of other people’s writings.   Sit still in silence and solitude. When body, heart and mind are one. When your senses have moved inward. Let the stream flow. Unravel your knots in spontaneous words.   Other writer’s success or failure does not affect you. Profit or loss does not touch you. Praise or criticism does not ruffle you. Derive pleasure solely from writing. Experience the bliss.   Simply write! ...

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New Mindful Writers Group (South)

I'm thrilled to announce the third Mindful Writers Group (South) led by our talented Stephanie Keyes! Come and join us for mindful meditation and writing, starting July 21st. Below is a message from Stephanie, the leader of the new group. See you there! MINDFUL WRITERS (South) begins July 21st. Recharge your writing life using Madhu B Wangu’s acclaimed meditation and freeform writing format. The group meets weekly at Upper St. Clair Library’s multi-purpose room from 10am-2pm. We'll meditate for fifteen minutes and write together for three to four hours. The camaraderie and the productivity are so fulfilling that, at times, it even surprises those practicing this method for years. Come and experience it yourself! Email Stephanie Keyes to reserve your spot. Don’t wait! These groups fill up fast....

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Mindful Meditation CD Fund Goal Achieved

Thank you so much to all of you for donating to my campaign and helping me reach the goal. The recording of the CD, Meditations for Mindful Writers II: Sensations, Feelings and Thoughts is set for today. I'll keep you informed about the progress.

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Meditations for Mindful Writers II: Sensations, Feelings, Thoughts

    I am raising money to make my second CD, Meditations for Mindful Writers II: Sensations, Feelings, Thoughts. Please see the testimonials of the people whose creative life has been transformed by using my first CD, Meditations for Mindful Writers: Body, Heart, Mind. If you would like to donate here is the link: “Madhu Wangu is a patient, clear and creative teacher. She simplified meditation for me she said, ‘To meditate is to breathe. Just pay attention to your breath and feel your inner body.’ Too simple, surely; but not too easy.”  –Maryalice Meli  Not only have my meditations and mindful writing practice changed my own craft and enriched my work, they’ve influenced many writers across the world. Here’s one glimpse into the meditations I’ve created and want to bring to market through this campaign: On...

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Alleviating Holiday Stress

The most enjoyable time, as well as the most stressful time, of the year is almost here. Let’s have lots of fun and stress less. At a recent gathering while enjoying an after dinner tête-à-tête, one person blurted out ‘Mindfulness, shindefulness! As if I don’t have enough stress, now you expect me to add mindfulness to the heap of tasks I must do!’ Most of you know the practice of meditation that results in mindfulness is exact opposed of stress. It alleviates stress. Here is a tip for bringing peace and joy into your days of shopping, cooking, entertaining, warmth and what not. Just for five minutes (time yourself) sit comfortably at a place where you can be alone, (even if it is in the bathroom). Use earplugs to decrease noise. Focus on...

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Today’s Talk & Book Signing

Hope you’re enjoying your summer! If you are in Pittsburgh and have not planned something on Tuesday evening, I’d love to see you at the Shaler North Hills Library, August 9 (today) from 6:30-8:30. We’ll talk about the dilemma of balancing daily life with spiritual/creative life. The discussion will include fictional dreams, meaningful coincidences, art symbols and creative possibilities. In addition, I’ll guide two meditation sessions: Body Meditation AND Awakening the Senses. Would love to see familiar as well as new faces in the audience. Refreshments will be served! Here are the details:  ...

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Conversations with Mindful Writers: Lori M. Jones, A Stellar Woman

In March 2011, when the Mindful Writers Group (North) met for the first time, Lori was one of the five participants. She is the only one from that meeting who continues to participate and occasionally lead the group of twenty writers. Since that March, Lori has become an award-winning author of women's & children's fiction. Her first children's book, RILEY'S HEART MACHINE, was released in 2012, followed by CONFETTI THE CROC in 2014. Mother of two young daughters, Lori’s younger daughter's heart defect was the inspiration behind Riley's Heart Machine. Her debut novel, RENAISSANCE OF THE HEART has won the SILVER medal by READERS' FAVORITES in women's fiction. Her second novel, LATE FOR FATE, is forthcoming in 2016. Lori is on the national Board of Directors for the Children's Heart Foundation and...

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Conversations with Mindful Writers: Kathleen Shoop

For several months I will be conducting a series of interviews with Mindful Writers, titled Conversations with Mindful Writers. The first one in the series is my interview with the best selling author Kathleen Shoop. A prolific and gifted writer, Kathleen Shoop’s historical fiction comes alive with authenticity of setting and characters that breathe. I met Kathie in 2005 at writers groups, Fat Plum and at Pennwriters Critique Group North. We became friends and continued to read and critique each other’s rough drafts. By 2009 she had completed six to seven novel manuscripts. Then slowly, her attendance at the critique sessions dwindled until she stopped coming. After a year of deep thinking and soul searching Kathie had decided to boldly venture on the path that most of us were hesitant to take....

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A number of defining moments have shaped my life such as my marriage, the births of my children and grandchildren. Equally important are the defining moments of my writing life. The moments that "I chose (this path) and that's what's made all the difference." (Robert Frost) One such moment happened when-after our family's annual trek to Hilton Head Island in 1994. I promised myself to begin writing in earnest. I began by writing about mid-life. I had a lot to write about. My body, at the tender age of 40, was starting to betray me. My buttocks sagged. My favorite pair of jeans became ill fitting overnight and so on. I had a book's worth of material. I tentatively titled the book Fighting Mr. Gravity. Pretty silly, right? I queried to agents...

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