My Path to Mindfulness
From Carefree to Mindful (Cont.)
Mindless I never was. I was happy-go-lucky and carefree. Last child of my parents, I was pampered by them and later pandered to by my husband. Even after I became a mother to our adorable firstborn, my attitude didn’t change much.
Most people function well in their daily life without being self-aware. But such individuals are unable to live their peak mental level. But so many others become mindful. Why and how that happens has many reasons. Something jolts them out of their slumber.
In my case, it was triggered by the deaths of my near and dear ones. First my brother was killed in an automobile accident shocking us all. Each grieved in different ways but before we could give our sorrow a closure my heartbroken mother died followed by the death of my downhearted father.
Three deaths within less than two years shook me to the core. Heartbroken and pregnant with our second child, my senses deadened. Whatever I put in my mouth tasted like ash. I gave birth, nursed and nourished my lovable baby but the trauma had jolted me out of my blithe.
Yet slowly, our adorable newborn infused life into me. Our first born, then nine, needed attention. The two together woke me out of my numbness; the older one demanded my attention and the infant needed me physically.
Now when I think back I feel the power of the traumatic deaths of my dear ones had woken me up to self-awareness and attention.
(To be Continued)