Blog | Mindfulness, Meditation, Journaling & Walking in Nature
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Writings and Readings Blog

Madhu Bazaz Wangu

James Robinson, Jr.

Way back in the dark ages of 1968, I remember a long-awaited piece of electronic wizardry known as cable tv coming to Pittsburgh. My neighborhood filled with excitement as a representative of the company (Warner Cable) came door-to-door to ask residents what level of cable they wanted. Since we had 4 channels back then, most residents, when asked if the wanted the new product responded with—and I’m paraphrasing— “hell, yeah! I want everything!”...

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Guest This Week: Kathleen Shoop

Hygge is about being kind to yourself—giving yourself a treat, and giving yourself, and each other, a break from the demands of healthy living. Sweets are hyggelige. Cake is hyggelige. Coffee or hot chocolate are hyggeligt, too. Carrot sticks, not so much… it should not be something fancy or extravagant. Foie gras is not hyggeligt. . . ...

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Guest this Week: Lorraine Bonzelet

At the Online Mindful Writers Group (OMWG) Page, I invite a new guest-of-honor every week. This week's guest is Lorraine Bonzelet. To read her daily posts and look at the accompanying photos please go to the Home Page on this website and click the middle button, "Visit and Join." Here is her bio: Lorraine Bonzelet is a retired engineer with an obsession for picture books. In 2005, she nurtured her passion by taking courses at the Institute of Children’s Literature. She started taking a mindful approach to writing and journaling when she was introduced to the Mindful Writers Retreats and Madhu’s Online Mindful Writers Group via Facebook. Lorraine is a long-time member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators. Her first non-fiction article and photographs are published in Boys’ Quest magazine, Unusual Sports...

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Guest This Week: Jennifer D. Diamond

At the Online Mindful Writers Group (OMWG) Page, I invite a new guest-of-honor every week. This week's guest is Jennifer D. Diamond. To read her daily posts go to the Home Page on this website and click the middle button, "Visit and Join." Here is her bio: Jennifer D. Diamond, MS/CCC-SLP, holds national certification in Speech/Language Pathology from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Pennsylvania K-12 teaching certificates for Speech/Language Impairment and Reading Specialist, PA state licensure in Speech/Language Therapy, and is a writer of short stories, personal essays, and In-Between/Tween Fiction. Diamond’s first published short story appears in the Mindful Writers Retreat Anthology, Over the River and Through the Woods, forward by Kathleen Shoop, edited by Demi Stevens, 2019. Her short personal essay, Fighting the Shadows, was accepted for the COVID-19 themed anthology, The New Normal:...

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Guest This Week: Rudri Bhatt Patel

At the Online Mindful Writers Group (OMWG) Page, I invite a new guest-of-honor every week. This week's guest is the co-founder and editor of The Sunlight Press. To read her daily posts go to the Home Page on this website and click the middle button, "Visit and Join." Here is her bio: Rudri Bhatt Patel is a lawyer turned writer and editor. Prior to attending law school, she graduated with an MA in English with an emphasis in creative writing. She is the co-founder and editor of the literary journal, The Sunlight Press, and on staff at Literary Mama and her work has appeared in Pidgeonholes, Milk Candy Review, The Washington Post, Business Insider, Saveur, DAME, Brain, Child Magazine, ESPN,  Mothers Always Write,  Phoenix New Times and elsewhere. She is currently working on...

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Guest This Week: James Robinson Jr.

DAY 265, Tuesday September 22, 2020 On Online Mindful Writers Group Page I invite a new guest-of honor every week. This week's guest is humorist James Robinson Jr. To read his daily posts click the button "Visit and Join" at the middle of the Home Page. Here is his bio: James Robinson, Jr. is an award-wining author who has written 6 books in both the fiction and non-fiction genres. His first book, Fighting the Effects of Gravity: A Bittersweet Journey into Middle Life, was an Indie Award winner for nonfiction. His first foray into fiction, Book of Samuel, was a Readers’ Favorite Award Winner. His latest book—Jay Got Married—is a collection of 9 humorous, satirical essays which often speak to ironies and inconsistencies of life. Jay Got Married is not just the title of the book...

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Our Guest This Week: Gail Oare

Gail Oare On Online Mindful Writers Group Page I invite a new guest-of honor every week. This week's guest is poet Gail Oare. To read her daily posts click the button "Visit and Join" at the middle of the Home Page. Here is her bio: Gail is retired from a career in science and educational publishing. She produced manuals, films, magazines and books for several organizations before joining the Materials Research Society to establish its new publications program and serve as director of publications and marketing for 27 years. The business grew to include several international scientific journals and magazines and more than 50 books per year, and led to a partnership with Cambridge University Press. She was also responsible for the society’s computer and web services and for marketing of conferences,...

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