Blog | Mindfulness, Meditation, Journaling & Walking in Nature
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Writings and Readings Blog

Madhu Bazaz Wangu

Mourning with my Mother

My Path to Mindfulness

From Carefree to Mindful (Cont.) Mindless I never was. I was happy-go-lucky and carefree. Last child of my parents, I was pampered by them and later pandered to by my husband. Even after I became a mother to our adorable firstborn, my attitude didn’t change much.  Most people function well in their daily life without being self-aware. But such individuals are unable to live their peak mental level. But so many others become mindful. Why and how that happens has many reasons. Something jolts them out of their slumber.  In my case, it was triggered by the deaths of my near and dear ones. First my brother was killed in an automobile accident shocking us all. Each grieved in different ways but before we could give our sorrow a closure my heartbroken mother...

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What Are You?

"This is one of your best books, if not the best," said my husband about my recent publication, "Unblock Your Creative Flow: 12 Months of Mindfulness for Writers and Artists." Then he added, “You were not always mindful! Were you?” Good that he had complimented me before asking this question. Seriously, I was not. The seed of mindfulness was sown when I was in my early 30’s. Since then I have learned to be mindful in spurts.  What was I before I became mindful, self-aware and attentive? Before I was mindful I lived a fragmented life, similar to Dorothy in the book Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum. Carefree Madhu’s body skipping on the yellow brick road, her mind, heart and boldness skipping along her as the scarecrow, the tinman and the...

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Are You Mindful of Your Life?

You do what you do but have you begun work on the most important project of you life? Your own life--the project without which none of the other projects would matter. The second half of your life is one of the greatest projects you will ever complete. Look at the photo in which you were half the age you are now. What has changed for the better, what has remained the same, what would you like to change? Photos: Pittsburgh's International Folk Festival (The booth constructed by my husband, Manoj and mural painted by me) ...

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Fearless Kumud

Sometimes don't you want to scream, "Enough is enough?" And then something worse happens! How do you feel? What do you do? Read and find out how Kumud felt and what she did out of extreme desperation. Barnes and Noble: Kobo: ...

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Genesis and Growth of a Novel

I'd love you to join me today and the rest of the week to read my posts about a topic that fascinates me—the genesis and development of a work of fiction. What makes a writer devote months, if not years, filled with passion, purpose and one pointed attention to create a fictional dream? What drives us as we keep revising draft after draft until the final manuscript is completed?  I'm sharing the genesis and growth of my novel, THE LAST SUTTEE at Online Mindful Writers Group #mindfulness #meditation #journaling #reading#writing #visual arts #research #attention #Awareness #Authentic Self  #Dailywritingprompt #silence and solitude #Awe and Wonder #Transformation #Imagination #Creativity #Self-Contemplation #Self-Improvement #Motivation #Inspiration #Self-Help #Daily Guidebook #Fictionwriting #Suttee #Women’srights #Genderequality  Please follow my: Author Page: @Madhu.WanguBookbub: @Madhu-Bazaz-WanguFacebook: @MadhuBazazWangu Links for my paperback and eBooks:  Barnes and Noble: Kobo: Books: ...

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My Mother, !978

Mummai, Happy Mother’s Day!

Mummai, my mother, was the most generous, compassionate and humble individual like the one I still have to meet. In this portrait, I painted her in a sari with a climber with foliage and multi-colored flowers because she spread blooms of generosity and kindness to every place she walked in. The trees in the background with red blossoms and young plants growing in the foreground reflect the love she bestowed on her nine children and then nourished and cared (with help) for the grandchildren while her sons and daughters-in-law were at work. ...

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Memories of being a professional artist. This photo was taken at one of the art galleries in Pittsburgh at my solo exhibition. My father modeled for me patiently for several days while I painted his life-size portrait. ...

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Unblock Your Creative Flow

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Available Now!!!

Available Now!

Happy and Healthy Earth Day to All!What an auspicious day to release my new publication, UNBLOCK YOUR CREATIVE FLOW: 12 MONTHS OF MINDFULNESS FOR WRITERS AND ARTISTS! Please follow one of the following links for getting your print and iBook from:  Barnes and Noble: Kobo: website: www.MadhuBazazWangu.comApple Books  If you have already ordered it at Amazon please cancel your pre-sale order. I apologize for any inconvenience it may cause." ...

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