Blog | Mindfulness, Meditation, Journaling & Walking in Nature
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Writings and Readings Blog

Madhu Bazaz Wangu

Tools to Unblock Creativity

Unblock Your Creative Flow: Preorder

Writer friends: Are you tired of slogging through another half-finished manuscript or being weighed under all the excuses for not getting started? What is ailing your writing life? If you are finally ready to take your desire to write a book all the way to “The End,” I have written a guidebook that would lead you to your “cure.” Preorder link: My latest book, UNBLOCK YOUR CREATIVE FLOW: 12 MONTHS OF MINDFULNESS FOR WRITERS AND ARTISTS and all who want to live a better life will guide you to learn the Five Disciplines that will make your dream come true!  Hilary Hauck writes, “Mindful Writing Practice has transformed my creative process and this book will elevate it higher still.” Eileen Enwright Hodgetts calls, UNBLOCK YOUR CREATIVE FLOW “A Life-changing volume” that unlocks“not just...

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Cover Reveal

I’m thrilled to share the cover of, "Unblock Your Creative Flow, 12 Months of Mindfulness for Writers and Artists."  The release date is April 22 but you can reserve your copies by pre-ordering here: is the last day to enter the contest. Go to my Author Page: to participate in a giveaway. When you follow the page, share the good news about pre-order, or write a comment you will be automatically entered for the contest. Thank you so much for your interest!  With love and gratitude, Madhu Unblock Your Creative Flow: 12 Months of Mindfulness for Writers and Artists. ...

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Cover reveal of my book, UNBLOCK YOUR CREATIVE FLOW

Cover Reveal!

I'm utterly delighted to share with you the sneak peek of the cover of my book, Unblock Your Creative Flow, 12 Months of Mindfulness for Writers and Artists, to be released in April.  Please share the good news with your family and friends. I’ll reveal the whole front cover on Wednesday.  As always, with love and gratitude! Madhu ...

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Award Winner

The Other Shore

My recent collection of short stories, THE OTHER SHORE won the Feathered Quill Book Award! Available at: In this story collection, we meet ordinary people who grapple with extraordinary challenges—a precarious balance between the love of life, the inevitability of death and the connection between humans and nature. Some tales hover between reality and fantasy, while others make a comment about customs and tradition, social prejudice, altruism and kindness, ambitions and failures, and failures resulting in transformation. The stories come alive with characters of Indian descent, their American friends, and people living all around the globe. "Madhu Bazaz Wangu is part gentle guru, part teasing sprite, and part firm realist in this wide-ranging collection of lovely stories. I read The Other Shore with considerable pleasure, and the pages turned easily and quickly....

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Inner Mentor and Guide

I came across this quote by Rumi several years ago. It has struck deep at my thinking heart and feeling mind. The more I read it the deeper it penetrates within. It has hued my beliefs and values with meaning. Hope having read it you too would continue to reflect upon it and feel connection with your true self. I call that Authentic Self, my inner mentor and guide. ...

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God Helps Those Who Help Themselves

I fondly recall the popular aphorisms my father often quoted to ingrain lessons in us. “Nip the evil in the bud,” “Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise,” “Never stop learning” and so on. The one that came recently to the mind is, “God helps those who help themselves.” This is because I’ve been putting as much effort in healing myself as my healthcare workers did and are doing.  How much effort you, as a patient, put in the pre-operative and post-operative doctors’ recommendations makes hell of a difference in your complete recovery. The exercises to prepare for the surgery, physical therapy exercises, taking prescribed medications timely including painkillers, nutritious food and plenty of sleep must become essential part of your day.  For me, first week...

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Listen to Your Body

The benefits of my recent surgery are many. In my previous post I mentioned the angelic nature of the efficient health workers. In this one I want to emphasize how important it is to listen to your body when it wants (then demands) your attention. My life was seemingly running smoothly. But occasionally the pain in my left knee disrupted the flow. I pushed the disruption aside and behaved as if everything was okay. Instead of doing something about the problem I deluded myself by saying that somehow the pain will go away. Then the pain turned frequent and kept me from functioning at my optimum level. I was unable to sit comfortably to meditate. I couldn’t go up and down the stairs using both legs. I couldn’t stand for for a...

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LovingKindness Meditation

Dear Readers, Physical therapy sessions, though grueling and painful are doing wonders with my healing and recovery. I should be able to get back to my regular routine by early February.  As I lay in bed at home gazing at the ceiling of my room, Jennifer’s posts at ONLINE MINDFUL WRITERS GROUP: on Loving Kindness Meditation made me think of the healthcare workers: nurses, nurses’ aides, physical therapists and so on. How they follow the motions of this practice. Their work is to alleviate pain, discomfort and unease of their patients. Majority of them do their job sincerely and efficiently in an environment where pain is everywhere.  They could have frowned, turned irritable or looked tired but any hardly did. Although the presence of pain was constant and continual they had kind words, soothing gestures and caring attitude...

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Happy New Year!

In the valley of Kashmir, where I was born, there is the tradition of viewing the platter of plenty the first thing in the morning of a New Year. The thaal (platter) includes bowls of milk and yogurt, sugar (or something sweet) and salt, fresh and dry fruit, book/notebook, pen/pencil, gold/money and a mirror. The items are placed over uncooked rice. Other items may include hot chili, pods of tamarind or similar items. At the end of the day each ingredient is transferred back to their containers. Rice symbolizes sustenance and gold/money, abundance. The transformative process of milk turning into yogurt signifies the skill, method, duration and patience it requires for a task to begin, develop and complete. Fresh fruit and flowers celebrate the fullness of life; dry fruit, the passing...

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Feel transported into exciting and adventurous world cultures!

Story Collections and Novels Free!!!

For your holiday enjoyment my debut collection of short stories, CHANCE MEETINGS and the first novel, THE IMMIGRANT WIFE are free!!! AND THE LAST SUTTEE, my second novel and the second collection of short stories, THE OTHER SHORE are 25% off!!! So, if you have not read them yet here is your chance! Here is the link: ...

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