Day 3, Friday, January 3, 2025 | Madhu Bazaz Wangu
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Day 3, Friday, January 3, 2025

Day 3, Friday, January 3, 2025

The cave you fear to enter 
may hold the light you seek.”

If you’re new to this site, welcome! Perhaps you are not familiar with your inner Self. You may not have looked within or paused and asked, Who am I truly? Now is the time to begin. Choose a cozy and comfortable space in your home and with a blank notebook and a free flowing pen begin writing whatsoever is on your heart and mind. This is journaling, one of the five disciplines I plan to practice with you through 2025. These five include Journaling, Meditation, Reading, Walking, Yoga or any physical exercise and any Creative Activity you enjoy doing.

I know many of you with the help of the Practice (called Writing Meditation Practice) have connected with your Authentic Self or are on your way to make that connection. What a gift it is to befriend your breath and connect with your True Self! Each morning or at any convenient time of the day you sit still in silence and focus on your inhalations and exhalations for five to ten minutes. In doing so instead of ruminating the past or fantasizing about the future you feel connected to the present moment with your body, heart and mind. You come alive and are ready for the day!

Begin your day in solitude. . . .
“Last night I begged the Wise One to tell me the secret of the world. 
Gently, gently, he whispered, ‘Be quiet, the secret cannot be spoken, 
it is wrapped in silence.’” —Rumi

. . . and then write in your journal seated at the comfortable space you have selected for yourself. We call this place, Sacred Power Spot. Each day come back to it for the silent breathing followed by journaling two to three page. You have been given the boon of 365 days. Begin with full gusto. Who knows by the end of this year some of you may find the light we all are seeking which Rumi writes about.

Its a good idea to slow down, reflect and introspect during these winter months, and familiarize yourself with your inner landscape. And if you have been practicing for several years, go deeper within confidently but patiently. Now is the time to ask ourselves: What can I do or change to make my day better? What do I have that I love and cherish? How can I deepen itWhat can I learn that will help me keep growing?

I plan to post an Inspiration two to three times a week. Hope to see you often. Remember, I have no way of knowing you were here unless you write a comment.

With love and gratitude for your presence here,

  • Jenn Diamond

    Good afternoon, Madhu! I love the Rumi quotes and your guidance calms my writing every time I sit. Thank you! And I look forward to your weekly inspirations!!! Namaste

    January 3, 2025 at 12:51 pm
  • Lorraine

    There’s a whole new world wrapped in silence. I hope to spend more time searching for answers and direction in that world. Peace!

    January 3, 2025 at 2:24 pm

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