#Writing Meditation Practice Archives - Madhu Bazaz Wangu
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#Writing Meditation Practice Tag

Thursday, 16 January, 2025

It feels so good to empty all that anguish in your trustworthy friend, you journal. This writing exercise has two advantages. One, it lightens your heart and clears your mind. Two, when you reread it after one year or five, it feels different. You notice how it has lost its power over you. It turns into ash yet saves some energetic embers of ideas for you to use. What you pour on the blank pages of your journal can be compared with autumn leaves. The mountain of dried leaves of your mental trash is all biodegradable. It decomposes into mulch with a few seeds which sprout later. It often happens, that upon rereading your journal you gain greater insight into the things that had happened the previous year or many years...

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Tuesday, January 14, 2025

The eminent social psychologist, James Pennebaker in his book, Opening Up by Writing Down, writes that not fully expressing negative emotions, suffering in silence and keeping secrets—swallowing or pushing them down—affects your heart, mind and body for the rest of your life. By hiding your fears, anger, and hurt from the world, you hide from yourself. In order to replace the mask of social “goodness” and “niceness” with authenticity you must first recognize the anger, hurt or fear buried deep inside you. The recognition must be followed by acceptance of the negative emotions. Some of us may require therapy or hypnosis to cleanse the system but most of us can do this by writing in various forms. If you like, write a letter to the one who emotionally hurt you or pushed you...

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Thursday, January 9, 2025

The way we observe physical hygiene for cleanliness, we must cultivate emotional hygiene for mental clarity. What practices do you follow to cleanse your mind? Journaling is one. It clears your mind of the mess that is created every day. Writing it down lends an ear when you need it but can’t share what you have to say with others. It reveals possible solutions to your problems and heals emotional wounds. So if there is a problem on your mind or something is hurting or knotting your belly, why not jot it down on as many pages as it takes? Your honest outpouring in words carries an energy, it has power. Dump all that down and, depending upon the problem, watch how you come up with doable intentions and make resolutions...

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Day 3, Friday, January 3, 2025

The cave you fear to enter may hold the light you seek.”—Rumi If you're new to this site, welcome! Perhaps you are not familiar with your inner Self. You may not have looked within or paused and asked, Who am I truly? Now is the time to begin. Choose a cozy and comfortable space in your home and with a blank notebook and a free flowing pen begin writing whatsoever is on your heart and mind. This is journaling, one of the five disciplines I plan to practice with you through 2025. These five include Journaling, Meditation, Reading, Walking, Yoga or any physical exercise and any Creative Activity you enjoy doing. I know many of you with the help of the Practice (called Writing Meditation Practice) have connected with your Authentic Self or...

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Day 361, Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Three cheers for completing your year-long journey of mindful writing meditation practice! Today is a good day to journal! Here are a few prompts to get you started. How do you feel? Overwhelmed? Content? Proud?  How is your focus on daily tasks now compared to before you began this journey?  Do you find yourself going deeper into meditating, journaling, creating, and reading than ever before?  How has your writing/journaling skill honed?  How has your sense of awe and wonder over nature and the simple things in daily life changed?  Have you started to travel or have you become more mindful during your regular travels?  Do you spend time in solitude?  What small daily goals have you added?  What do you now view as your life’s purpose?  The year has passed by too fast but you have cultivated good daily habits. You...

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Day 360, Monday, December 30, 2024

Reflections Inspiration The final morning of our arduous yet fulfilling, calming, heart-widening year-long journey has arrived. Tomorrow we return to where we started, but with our minds sharpened and hearts wide open. I hope the year provided you perspectives on every significant aspect of your life: physical, emotional, intellectual, creative, and spiritual. It underlined how fundamental regular writing, reading, and spiritual matters are for your well-being, and how important emotional bonds are in familial relations and friendships. You have finished reading the book. That was the first rough look. Now you may start all over again. From tomorrow, explore the gift of each day as it unfurls, partly as you know and partly in some other way. But one thing is certain – the habits of meditation, journaling, reading, writing, and walking have now become...

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Matters of Mindfulness and More

Matters of Mindfulness, Mindful Writers Groups and More (Cont.) At the end of October, we are moving from Wexford, Pennsylvania to Ashburn, Virginia to be closer to our daughter. Never has mindfulness been more helpful to me than it is now. Moving to a new home from the one where you have lived for thirty years is believed to be a traumatic experience as traumatic as death of a loved one, divorce, major illness or job loss. The in-between period can overwhelm you, bring you down or depress you. But with mindfulness as my tool I’m going through such a negative experience with self-awareness and loving attention to the tasks at hand. And to my own surprise I feel no stress, regrets or nostalgia midst all this emotional disarray. Remember me, the one...

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Your Hero/Heroine’s Journey

By writing 250-500 words each morning, in a public forum, you can experience a hero’s journey.Here’s how it works:1. You, as a writer are merrily going on your daily routine. (Ordinary World)2. An invitation arrives to be a guest host at Online Mindful Writers Group (OMWG). (Call for adventure)3. You don’t want to do it. It makes you feel nervous and uncomfortable. You don’t trust you have time to do it or are worthy of the task. (Refusal of the call)4. An inner voice (or an outer mentor) tugs, you can do it!5. Hesitatingly you agree. (Crossing the threshold)6. Thoughts race in your mind, which topic would I choose. As you write a rough draft your hand trembles. (Tests)7. The golden thread of the Writing Meditation Practice guides you. (Allies)...

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Invitation to Host OMWG 2023

Dear Writers, Would you like to join Mindful Writers and Poets who plan to host Online Mindful Writers Group at https://tinyurl.com/MindfulWriters in 2023? ONLY THREE SPOTS LEFT: Jennifer D. Diamond January Deborah Catanese February Denise Weaver March Donna Lucas April Lorraine Bonzelet May Madhu Bazaz Wangu June Mike Morley July August September Fritze Roberts October November Amy Baverso December As there are only three spaces left, pick one of the remaining months before it is too late. Let me know by commenting below or massage me. I asked the 2022 hosts, “In what way has hosting OMWG been beneficial to you? Here are some of the responses: Deborah Catanese:I find writing for OMWG of like-minded writers to be expansive in that it makes me strive for excellence, soothing in that giving to this group always results in returned support and incentive, and satisfaction in knowing I...

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Honored Guest Hosts Finalized

I am delighted to share the complete list of the honored guest-hosts (writers, artists, poets, film makers, editors) who are leading OMWG in 2022! Jennifer D. Diamond (January) Deborah Catanese (February) Lorraine Bonzelet (March) Gloria Muhly Baer Bostic (April) Stephanie Keyes (May) Lisa Hering (June) Shahrukh Husain (July) Madhu Bazaz Wangu (August) Hilary Hauck (September) Wende Dikec (October) Jennifer D. Diamond (November) Fritze Roberts (December) 2022 will the most fascinating year to date. If you are interested in leading the group for a month in 2023 please email or message me. Thank you so much in advance! With love, Madhu ...

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