Wednesday, January 30, 2025 | Madhu Bazaz Wangu
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Wednesday, January 30, 2025

Wednesday, January 30, 2025

The starting point of discovering who you are,
Your gifts your talents, your dreams, 
is being comfortable with yourself.
Spend time alone. Write in a journal.
                              (Robin Sharma)

It has been a month since we started this practice. When you sit at your Spiritual Power Spot does a calm come over you? 

At times when I’m faced with a “shitty” emotional problem I let go of the brick wall of expectations that my inner critic builds. If that doesn’t work (and here’s where my journal comes to my rescue), at the top of the page of my notebook I write, “What should I do? How can I solve this problem?” Instead of carrying  my grievances and complaints around I vent them in my journal as no one else seems to be as intimate as my journal.

Journaling requires trust in yourself and believing that the practice you are following has inherent merit. You may stumble, you may fall, but stumbling and falling are not failing. Each day, return to your notebook the way you return to your personal power spot, to your breathing exercises.

Try to journal 2-3 pages. By the time you are on the third page the reason for your discomfort and imbalance will reveal itself. That reason may be as mundane as needing a full night’s sleep. But day by day and page by page you will discover what else is going on within you. Your journaling will reveal how and why you feel stifled or bored or empty or rushed. You will look at your personal, familial, social and spiritual life with new eyes. You will realize some of what is really going on inside you that you were not even aware of.

Above, on your right: A page from Lorraine Bonzelet’s journal.
  • Jennifer D. Diamond

    Good morning, Madhu! Thank you for sharing Lorraine’s journal page! She’s so amazingly talented AND she’s cultivated her talent in a gorgeous symphony of words, shapes, and color! Your words comfort me, Madhu… I’ve written these in my journal; “… stumbling and falling are not failing. “

    January 30, 2025 at 10:37 am
  • Lorraine

    Thanks for such kind words and support, Madhu and Jenn. I’ve reached the point in my journey that as soon as I have an uncomfortable, angry, unpleasant or sad moment, my first thought is ‘I need to journal about this.’ That thought brings comfort — even before I write a word. Journaling has opened so much awareness internal and external.

    January 30, 2025 at 2:43 pm

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