Online Meditation and Writing Begins!
Hi All,
Hope you are enjoying holidays with your family and friends.
Here are the things you need to do at our first Online Mindful Writers Meeting next Tuesday:
Check in a few minutes before 10:00 am
Below is the link to CD, Meditations for Mindful Writers, Body, Heart, Mind:
The CD has four meditations. We will begin with guided Body Meditation. (About sixteen minutes). Most of you are familiar with this meditation. If you are new to the Mindful Writers Group, listen to it at least once before you begin.
After Body Meditation, at about 10:20 we will write in our journal for fifteen minutes. I’ll provide you a prompt for day’s journaling.
Following the journaling, we’ll write–a story, an essay, first draft of a novel or, if you are already working on a draft, you can continue to write your work-in-progress.
See you here at 10:00 next Tuesday!
Hope this works as well as I am imagining it!
With love,
Judy Focareta
Mashup, this is brilliant. Looking forward to joining you.
Judy Focareta
Mashup, this is brilliant. Looking forward to joining you. So spellcheck changed your name. So sorry Madhu
Madhu B. Wangu
Good Morning, Judy! Don’t be sorry! Besides, I don’t see my name misspelled anywhere.
I too am excited to meditate, journal and write with you without leaving home!
Next Tuesday, January 2, please check in via this link:
See you then!