Twenty-Eighth Chapter: Tao-te Ching | Madhu Bazaz Wangu
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Twenty-Eighth Chapter: Tao-te Ching

Twenty-Eighth Chapter: Tao-te Ching

Twenty-Eighth Chapter:
Tao-te Ching

He who knows the male (active force) and keeps to the female (passive force)
Becomes humble like the deep valley of the world.
Being the valley of the world,
He will never depart from eternal virtue,
And become like a child again.

He who knows the white (glory) and yet keeps to the black (humility)
Becomes model for the world.
He will not err and move eternally in the path of virtue,
To be the fountain of the world is
To live the life of eternal virtue.

And when the uncarved block is carved
Its original qualities are lost.
The sage preserves his original qualities so he can govern.
The virtuous leader governs the least.


As I understand it:

The Self, that has balanced its opposites, is humble like a lowly valley. Her power never fades and she is childlike.
Sage is humble and conscious of the Tao flowing through her. She lets the Tao guide her and does not make careless mistakes. Like a bubbling fountain she gushes forth the ceaseless inner source of goodness that is in harmony with the infinite nature. If we sincerely desire we, too, can become fountains pouring forth the endless ocean of goodness that is our birthright. But we have been conditioned to believe otherwise.

Stop for a moment.
Feel the goodness that you have experienced in your life.

Replace all the negativity you carry within, with that goodness.
Change how you look at the world.

See yourself strongly connected to the Tao, the Source of Being.

An uncarved block, untouched by humans and unspoiled by culture, is perfect. Let go of the desire to “make things” out of it. If you allow your Tao self, that has “original qualities” of tranquility, harmony, and peace to shine through, you will flourish. The best leaders are those who lead the least and inspire “original qualities.”


Suggested Readings:
The Way of Lao Tzu, tr. Wing-Tsit Chan, The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc. 1963.

Dyer, Wayne W., Change Your Thoughts – Change Your Life: Living the Wisdom of Tao. Hay House, Inc. 2007.

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