Volunteers Needed to Lead Online Mindful Writers Group | Madhu Bazaz Wangu
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Volunteers Needed to Lead Online Mindful Writers Group

Volunteers Needed to Lead Online Mindful Writers Group

Good Morning Writer Friends!

You may or may not be familiar with my Online Mindful Writers Group (OMWG) where I and my guests post inspiring and motivating piece each morning. Check it out at: https://tinyurl.com/MindfulWriters 

For the previous years weekly guest-hosts and I have been taking turns to write daily posts but this year, our fifth we have a different format. Talented mindful writers from different genres are hosting and posting for one month each. Would you like to host a month at OMWG? Let me know.

In the book, Powers of Two, Joshua Wolf Shenk banishes the idea of solitary genius and demonstrates that our richest works comes from collaboration. At OMWG it is not power of just one or two but power of many that is the real driver of creativity and soulful days. Without your partnership this page could not have developed beyond my wildest dreams.

This month of March Lorraine Bonzelet is challenging us to push our boundaries, save us from limiting beliefs in which we are drawing and don’t even realize it, character walking through a wall, confronting dark inner places, flipping around our normal way of looking at the world and other such fascinating topics.

Last month Deborah’s thoughtful posted about “Transitions and Transformations” are worth your time.

In January, Jennifer Diamond wrote about “SAD” (Seasonal Affective Disorder) but by the end of the month it took a turn, she said, “I’m happy right now!” She enjoyed writing the posts so much that she decided to volunteer to host again for November. 

What about writing 200-400 word posts yourself? You are invited to write on topics of your choice during one of the summer months of June, July or August. This is the final reminder and your chance to volunteer as our honored guest-host. JUNE, JULY, or AUGUST are still available. Send me an email to let me know when you decide.  

Below are the names of our esteemed team of writers, poets and editors hosting OMWG in 2022

Jennifer D. Diamond January 

Deborah Catanese February 

Lorraine Bonzelet March 

Gloria Muhly Baer Bostic April 

Stephanie Keyes May

___________________ June

___________________ July

___________________ August 

Hilary Hauck September 

Wende Dikec October 

Jennifer D. Diamond November 

Fritze Roberts December 

Thank you so much in advance for volunteering! 


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