What to Expect from WMM | Madhu Bazaz Wangu
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What to Expect from WMM

What to Expect from WMM

By now, some of you may be wondering if it would be worthwhile to practice weekly Writing Meditation Method (WMM). Questions such as, what would I accomplish by doing this? Are 15 minutes of meditation and 15 minutes of journaling going to change my life? Would this practice improve my writing or my profession? Help me complete the project I am currently working on?
The answer to those questions is, Yes, yes and yes!
The reason I am sharing WMM with you is because it has positively affected all aspects of my life. Looking back, I am amazed how naïve I was about the tremendous power of these practices. I was introduced to each one—meditation, journaling, writing—intellectually. After a long period of trial and error the practices balanced beautifully and integrated my mind, heart and body. My emotional, intellectual and spiritual life would not have been what it is had I not unwittingly combined them into one practice. Having done it almost daily for the past three decades, I can assure you that this practice will help you discover your skills and talents that are currently dormant. And that would amaze you!
Drop by drop a pot is filled.
Daily WMM a whole life is uplifted.
In a few months, you will get familiar with this routine. Try to do it two to three times a week. Once you experience its benefits, I can assure you, you will make an effort to practice it daily.
Here is what you will experience by the end of the year:
1. A deeper self-understanding.
2. Decreasing unnecessary stress and inner conflict.
3. Unblocking your talents and enhancing skills.
4. An appreciation for your own unique qualities and abilities, and those of the others.
5. Ability to confront your fears and move forward in life.
6. Capacity to receive intuitive ideas and insights.
7. Skill to witness the present moment as it is.
8. Setting realistic goals and seeing them completed by the end of the year.
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