Two Poems | Madhu Bazaz Wangu
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Two Poems

Two Poems


One March Morning

Outside my window this morning, I heard a red robin sing. 

Did I see the song?
Did I smell the song?
Did I taste the song?
Did I touch the song?

I wore the red song.
Spread my wings, and
soared the sky.

I saw the seas and the land,
against the blue sky.
I saw the fragile earth.

Back on the firm ground.
I felt “more than” a woman—
a human.


Writing Pleasure

Simply write!
Do not speak of writing.
Do not speak of publishing.
Do not speak of other people’s writing.

 Read ravenously, voraciously.
Unravel your knots in spontaneous words.
Move your senses inwards by sitting still.
When body, heart and mind are one,
flow streams smoothly.

 Other writer’s success or failure does not affect you.
Profit or loss does not touch you.
Praise or criticism does not ruffle you.

Derive pleasure solely from writing.
Feel admired and honored by the Self.
Write, simply write!

  • ACHUTA Ramaiah

    Your poems are beautiful, Madhu ji. One robin flying freely but finding its feet on earth. A good one. Writing with pleasure that you passionately believe in, writing feverishly, smoothly touches your heart. Caring not for others’view since a good piece will ultimately land you with success. A good feeling you give us as we read the two poems. With kind regards to you and Manoj.
    Brother of late Satyam (simla)

    March 31, 2014 at 12:52 pm
  • Srimal

    Beautiful! I love the soaring imagery of the first poem and the quiet flow of the second.

    April 1, 2014 at 11:24 am
  • Ayush

    Beautifully put Madhu Masi! I specially liked the ‘Robin’ one.

    April 2, 2014 at 3:41 am
  • Zoon

    I really like both of these poems especially the second one- the words flow so beautifully and it is so inspired. Thank you!

    April 27, 2014 at 7:48 pm

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