Writing Meditation Seminar & Workshop
Come, Join us for Pennwriters 25th Annual Conference!
The 25th Annual Pennwriters Conference will be held from May 18th through the 20th at The Eden Resort & Suites, located in the heart of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. (Eden Resorts in Lancaster, PA.) This year’s program includes Dr. Madhu B. Wangu’s Pre-Conference Seminar on Mindful Writing Meditation and the workshop, Writing Meditation After 50.
Pre-Conference Seminar: Mindful Writing Meditation
Thursday, May 17, 2012, 8:00-12:00,
The reason so many talented writers are unable to complete their manuscript is not so much the lack of aptitude or skill but the lack of discipline and focus. Come and learn the practice of Writing Meditation as a means to tap into your inner source of creativity and commitment. Dr. Wangu will guide participants through three fifteen-minutes meditations on the Body, Mind and Heart. Each meditation session will be followed by an hour of writing. Bring an idea or an outline for a short story, essay or book chapter and watch it grow into a vivid literary expression. At the end of this four-hour writing marathon, you will have a completed draft and you will feel invigorated as your body unclogs, your mind clarifies and your heart opens.
Requirements: Eat a healthy & hearty breakfast and bring your writing tools.
Workshop: Writing Meditation After 50
Saturday, May 19, 2012, 2:50-3:50
The writers who begin writing rather late in life, what sort of doubts and challenges do they confront? Dr. Wangu should know. Having completing her post-doc at Harvard University in her early-forties, she became a professional writer in her early fifties. Since then she has written essays and books, and recorded her first CD. In this workshop she will share her method of Writing Meditation and discuss why it is exceptionally rewarding to write after 50.
Jeanne Jacoby Smith
I just attended Dr. Madhu Wangu’s 4-hour session at Penn Writers Conference in Lancaster (2012) and found it very productive. Interestingly, I had been working on a short story (fiction) based on an autobiographical experience several years ago. However, when we started the meditative writing, I found myself jumping ahead in the plot to an unexpected scene that surprised me. It changed the story’s complexion. Looking at my pre- and post-mindful writing now, I think I have a “new” last chapter. It is definitely more autobiographical.
Madhu B. Wangu
Thanks Jeanne!
I’m glad you joined the seminar. Your presence changed the dynamics of the group for the better.
Keep me posted about the progress of your story.
Good luck with your writing!