Writer’s Block
Mindfulness and Moving Houses (Cont.)
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My writing routine is in shambles these days. To soothe my writing self, I write in snippets about our move to Virginia. I also journal 2-3 pages after my meditation. Although journaling serves many other purposes, it can’t replace writing practice.
Before this interim period of changing homes, I was in the middle of writing my next book, my third novel. It’s three-fourth written but I’m facing blocks for the last quarter. Aakash, the protagonist is at a major crossroad. Without giving anything away, I have to let you know that the antagonist is death.
Before Aakash, the protagonist retired he was an archeologist of Maya palace, pyramid and temple ruins. In college, he was mesmerized with sports related sacrificial and ritual deaths of Mayan civilization. His friends and colleagues kidded him about his obsession with death and related topics. But the woman he married, who became his soul mate, understood how death was closely related to a life well lived.
Who is the antagonist of the story? Death—death in all its manifestations. Aakash’s path to his destination is to “fight” death until he is ready to die or at least delay it for forty to fifty years. As he struggles to find answers about how to achieve that end he realizes that death is not as terrible as he thought. Death has its own value and blessing.
Would you like to read such a novel? Or you prefer reading feel good stories only? Would reading a story with death as its antagonist trigger your own fear of death? Would you enjoy reading a book that would take you on a journey of mindful and meaningful living and then invite you to a conversation about natural death and its benefits?
Would love to hear your thoughts! You’d be doing me a favor by sharing your feelings about this topic. Your answers might inspire me to finish the final quarter of the novel. And that would be indeed a great help. Thank you!
To be continued.