Thirty-Ninth Chapter
Thirty-Ninth Chapter: Tao-te Ching The things that originated from the Tao: The clear sky is whole. The firm earth is whole. The spirit is whole. The myriad things are whole and so is the country. When kings and rulers interfere with the Tao, the sky becomes filthy, the earth becomes depleted, the spirits loses balance, creatures become extinct. Therefore, nobility is rooted in humility, Loftiness is based in lowliness. This is why kings and barons feel unworthy and lonely. Parts of chariots are useless, unless they work in accordance with the whole. An individual life brings nothing, unless lived in accordance with the whole universe. Too much honor means no honor. It is not wise to shine like the jade or sound like stone chimes. # As I Understand It: This chapter eulogizes the great dance of the universe that is...
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