Thirty-Second Chapter
Thirty-Second Chapter: Tao-te Ching Tao is eternal. It has no name. Though simple and subtle, none in the world can master it. If kings and barons could harness named things, they would obey. Heaven and earth would drip sweet dew. Everyone would live in harmony, not by official command, but by their own goodness. When the Tao is divided into 10,000 things, it gets complicated. Know when to stop. Stop naming. Avoid peril. Rivers and streams are born of the ocean, and all creation is born of the Tao. Just as rivers and streams flow back to become the sea. 10,000 things flow back to the Tao. # As I Understand It: The Tao energy that courses through us all is good. If you follow its goodness life is simple. Simple and subtle is spiritual. But how do you live a life that...
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