Chance Meetings, a ‘da Vinci Eye’ Award Winner
I’m thrilled to announce that the cover of my story collection, Chance Meetings (Designer: Jenny Toney Quinlan) was a finalist for the 2017 da Vinci Eye Award! Here’s the description from the website:
“Each year, the Eric Hoffer Award presents the da Vinci Eye to books with superior cover artwork. Cover art is judged on both content and style. The da Vinci Eye is given in honor of the historic artist, scientist, and inventor Leonardo da Vinci.”
Achuta Ramaiah
Madhu ji
Congrats again and now for the cover. You are a natural writer and an artist as well. Wishing you many many miles of good luck to become a legend like Sir Tagore. Suggest you try your hand in poetry as well . In poetry you can weave a story, idea, a noble thought, a blazing idea in just a few lines. Tagore was amazing. Like him Madhu ji could be amazing as well.
Lastly wishing u a noble prize for literature.
Madhu B. Wangu
Thank you so much for your kind and generous comment.