Meditating On A Word | Madhu Bazaz Wangu
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Meditating On A Word

Meditating On A Word

December is a busy month. But I must write every day. The number of words do not matter, 200 or 2000, and daily practice is necessary for honing the skill.

Prior to my meditation, I drink a glass of water and follow it with a free writing session. This morning, I had just fifteen minutes to write. In such a short time what was I to write about? The word “water” came to mind. So I wrote the following:

The letters W-A-T-E-R in themselves have no meaning. When I read these five letters as one word ‘water’ that too sounds meaningless. Until my mind connects it with the meaning, water. The water that falls and flows, ripples and reflects; that I have gulped down my thirsty throat and gurgled my mouth with. Unless I experience this thing I call water quench my thirst, wet my skin and make my breath misty in cold weather, as a word, written or oral, it is just a sound or a scribble.

My sensing what I refer to as water, animates the word, brings it to life. What I sense, feel and think makes me aware of things that are watery. My mind opens up to the vitality of life because of the feeling and thoughts the word remind me about.  Awakening to its  qualities outside myself leads me to the mystery that is within me.

When I cross the world of words I am lead to their meaning. The meaning transports me to the memories of my experience of water. The world of feelings and experience coaxes me to dig deeper, delve into the metaphorical meanings of water.  An insight informs me that water has qualities that I can imbibe.  

Like water, I may learn to become fluid. So adaptable that I flow over, under and through every obstacle. I can’t be easily stopped. I keep streaming on the way to my ultimate destination. My yielding softness helps me wear down even solid rock. I seep through cracks, struggle through eddies. At my final destination I become as serene as a mountain lake; as calm and deep as a forest lake; as unfathomable as a yogini’s mindful heart-mind. Harmony blesses me within and without.

The one-word exercise cleared my mind and energized me for the rest of the day. When you have fifteen minutes, why don’t you too select a word that is meaningful to you. Meditate upon it through writing. It will release your stress, clear your mind and open your heart. Write about how you understand and experience the thing the word refers to. As you write mull over the qualities of the thing and how you can imbibe them. This exercise requires just fifteen minutes and a focussed mind.  

Good Luck!

Enjoy the holiday week with your family and friends!

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